Specialty Products
Sulfide Reduction - Golden Bio Extra
Golden Bio Extra is a liquid commercially concentrated bacterial suspension and enhancement. This safe highly concentrated liquid suspension is designed to provide the needed nutrients that naturally occurring bacteria require to continue their bio-mediation within a closed system. Golden Bio Extra reduces septicity and promotes bio-oxidation of Hydrogen Sulfide and other organic odors.
Golden Bio Extra provides an exceptionally attractive environment for bacteria to remain in a high metabolic state that will easily mitigate grease, fats and oils found in grease traps, lift stations, and forced mains.
Golden Bio Extra helps bacteria stay in an aerobic metabolism, thus preventing the bacteria from producing sulfides as a waste product.
Product Information
Golden Bio Extra: Is a liquid bacterial suspension and nutrient enhancement used in wet wells and grease interceptors for maintaining aerobic conditions.
Golden Bio Blocks: A bacterial suspension matrix for 24/7 bacteria. These blocks can be hung in the flow entering a grease trap or lift station to continually replenish and enhance the bacterial in the system.
Golden Bio Extra - Benefits & Applications
- Controls Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Levels
- Is a non-hazardous material
- Is delivered through a simple feed system
- Is effective for long-duration control
- Allows for BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) reduction
Golden Bio Extra application can be applied in closed systems;
- Collection Systems
- Food Processing Systems
- Municipal Systems
- Lift Stations
- Wastewater Lines
- Grease Traps
- Sewer Lines
- Wet Wells
Golden Bio Extra is safer and more cost effective than other liquid treatments such as:
- Sodium Hydroxide
- Sodium Hypochlorite
- Sodium Permanganate
- Chlorine Gas (Cl2)
Chemical Reaction
5H2S + 8NO3 – —-> 5SO4 + 4N2 + 4H2O + 2H+
Through this chemical reaction all available sulfides are consumed, complexed and will not be available for hydrogen sulfide production.
8/5NO3 – —-> 4/5 N2 + [2O2]
Once the Liberation of Oxygen has occurred, the natural present bacteria and additional dosed bacteria that are present in the system, can continue its degradation of organic matter in the aerobic state.
Bacteria working aerobically prevents the formation of Hydrogen Sulfide gases because these bacteria expel Carbon Dioxide (odorless) and water.

Before: This graph shows Hydrogen Sulfide levels are greater than 2 parts per million. After; the date of 11/23 there are significant drops in sulfur levels with application of Golden Bio Extra

After: Notice the peak when product turns off

Different location pre and post applications of Golden Bio Extra application
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